Sherene leads the way with her own vulnerability and encourages us to pull back our social masks and be as real as possible within a safe environment, which is so refreshing. There are so many different ways of exploring Project 40. Sherene creates the structure, but it is a pretty big playground and it's up to you to decide how much you want to do, how much you want to share with the group or not, and how deep you want to go. You hold the reigns. And, probably the most magical quality of Project 40 is that it still works on you even on those days when you don't do a thing. You are still held in Temenos and your intention is still on the altar, being worked on at deeper levels than we can see. Project 40 works on you on so many levels, but, like anything else, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. I think perhaps the biggest reason I get pulled back into Project 40 again and again is because of the magical world that is created within it. -Shivani Bignell